This contract is the "accountant" for Vesper pools which keeps records of strategies. Each deployed pool has one associated accountant.
This init function meant to be called after proxy deployment. DO NOT CALL it with proxy deploy; only after the proxy has been successfully deployed.
Name | Type | Description |
_pool | address | Address of Vesper pool proxy |
Add strategy. Once a strategy is added it can call rebalance and borrow funds from the pool and invest those funds in a provider/lender.
Recalculate pool level external deposit fee after all state variables are updated.
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy address |
_debtRatio | uint256 | Pool fund allocation to this strategy |
_externalDepositFee | uint256 | External deposit fee of strategy |
OnlyPool:: Helper function for V5 upgrade
Remove strategy and recalculate the pool level external deposit fee.
Revoke and remove strategy from the strategy array. Update withdraw queue. Withdraw queue order should not change after remove. Strategy can be removed only after it has paid all debt. Use he migratestrategy function if debt is not paid and you want to upgrade the strategy.
Update external deposit fee of the strategy and recalculate the pool level external deposit fee.
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy address for which external deposit fee is being updated |
_externalDepositFee | uint256 | New external deposit fee |
Recalculate the pool external deposit fee. It is calculated using debtRatio and the external deposit fee of each strategy.
Whenever debtRatio changes, recalculation is required. DebtRatio changes if a strategy reports loss, in which case an off-chain application can watch for it and take action accordingly. This function is 'gas heavy', so we do not want to call it during reportLoss.
Transfer given ERC20 token to pool
Name | Type | Description |
_fromToken | address | Token address to sweep |
Update debt ratio.
A strategy is retired when its debtRatio is 0. As debtRatio impacts pool level external deposit fee, it must be recalculated after updating debtRatio.
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy address for which debt ratio is being updated |
_debtRatio | uint256 | New debt ratio |
Update withdraw queue. Withdraw queue is a list of strategies in the order in which funds should be withdrawn.
Pool always keeps some buffer amount to satisfy withdrawal requests. Any withdrawal request higher than what is in the buffer will cause withdrawal from the withdraw queue. So withdrawQueue[0] will be the first strategy where withdrawal request will be sent.
Name | Type | Description |
_withdrawQueue | address[] | Ordered list of strategy. |
Migrate an existing strategy to new strategy.
Migrating strategy aka old and new strategy should be of same type. New strategy will replace old strategy in strategy mapping, strategies array, withdraw queue.
Name | Type | Description |
_old | address | Address of strategy being migrated |
_new | address | Address of new strategy |
Strategy calls this at regular intervals.
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | |
_profit | uint256 | yield generated by strategy. Strategy get performance fee on this amount |
_loss | uint256 | Reduce debt ,also reduce debtRatio, increase loss in record. |
_payback | uint256 | strategy willing to payback outstanding above debtLimit. no performance fee on this amount. when governance has reduced debtRatio of strategy, strategy will report profit and payback amount separately. |
Update strategy loss.
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy which incur loss |
_loss | uint256 | Loss of strategy |
Decrease debt of strategy; this also decreases totalDebt.
In case of withdraw from strategy, pool will decrease debt by the amount withdrawn
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy Address |
_decreaseBy | uint256 | Amount by which strategy debt will be decreased |
Get available credit limit of strategy. This is the amount strategy can borrow from the pool.
Available credit limit is calculated based on current debt of pool and strategy and the current debt limit of pool and strategy. credit available = min(pool's debt limit, strategy's debt limit, max debt per rebalance). When any strategy does not pay back its outstanding debt, this impacts the credit line of other strategies if totalDebt of pool >= debtLimit of pool
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy address |
Debt above current debt limit
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Address of strategy |
Return the strategies array.
Return withdrawQueue array.
Get total debt of given strategy.
Name | Type | Description |
_strategy | address | Strategy address |
Last updated